Baxter 0600125 Endoscopic Applicator for Hemostatic Agent
Part # 0600125 Exp 10/24, 8/24, 2/24
Baxter 0600125 Endoscopic Applicator A sterile, single-use device designed for delivering FLOSEAL Hemostatic Matrix to bleeding surgical sites through a 5-mm or larger trocar. The endoscopic consists of two components: a non-reflective stainless steel cannula, and a stainless steel stylet (obturator)
Baxter provides a broad portfolio of essential healthcare products, including acute and chronic dialysis therapies; sterile IV solutions; infusion systems and devices; parenteral nutrition therapies; inhaled anesthetics; generic injectable pharmaceuticals; and surgical hemostat and sealant products.
The company’s global footprint and the critical nature of its products and services play a key role in expanding access to healthcare in emerging and developed countries.
Baxter’s employees worldwide are building upon the company’s rich heritage of medical breakthroughs to advance the next generation of healthcare innovations that enable patient care.
Although this item has expiration dates 10/24, 8/24, 2/24, it is not for human use in the US. Due to liability costs in the US it is for export or research in the US.
This product is in perfect sealed condition.
There is a $125 minimum order due to the cost of shipping. You can add items from different specialties it just needs to be $125 or more in order to complete the transaction.