Zeiss HFA 750
Zeiss HFA 750 Validated by more than 25 years of research, design and clinical experience, the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) is the accepted standard of care in glaucoma diagnosis and management. With over 65,000 installed units worldwide, the HFA is the premier automated visual field analyzer.
- World standard of care
- All major clinical trials have relied on the Humphrey
- Zeiss HFA 750 GPA: the only FDA-cleared perimetry progression software; allows for full analysis on one page
- GPA minimizes false positives by taking into account test-retest variability of the general population
- VFI minimizes the effects of cataracts for the purpose of measuring progression
- STATPAC analysis: sophisticated analysis made simple
- SITA algorithm for fast and precise visual field threshold measurements
- Gaze tracking: highly precise, real-time measurements for reliability
- SITA-SWAP provides early detection***